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troublemag | June 17, 2024

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Deep Trouble #2: Tim Costello

Deep Trouble #2: Tim Costello

with Dr Mark Halloran

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Rev. Tim Costello AO is the former CEO and current Chief Advocate of World Vision and a member of the Alliance for Gambling Reform. We first touch on his family life by discussing the political, religious and socioeconomic history of his parents. Next we talk about the influence of faith, secular humanism, morality and ideology, and examine the rise of secularism which resulted in the French revolution and some of the greatest genocidal horrors of the 20th century. We then discuss refugees, and the personal cost of being at the front line of civil wars, mass graves and famine. Rev. Costello talks about our moral responsibility as Australians for the refugees on Manus Island, and the sense of hopelessness he encountered there. Rev. Costello also expresses his concern for the anger, loneliness, isolation and anxiety that is becoming endemic in society and blames this on the ‘echo chambers’ created by social media. Finally, we discuss his work with the Alliance for Gambling Reform.

World VisionAlliance for Gambling Reform@TimCostello

Like what you hear? Listen to all of the Deep Trouble interviews we’ve run to date.